Latest News Items:

New Look, New Site -- Thursday March 18th, 2021

Welcome to the new site for RAIN! There are a few things here and there that we are still working on but we got our domain forwarded and we hope the navigation is easy. We have made some big changes but mostly we are grateful to for allowing us to partner with them. They are an amazing resource for rescues and have a vast database that really allows us to change how we track and do things around here.

Expect great things to come!

RAIN is getting a makeover! -- Tuesday September 15th, 2020

If you found this entry, it means you already know that RAIN is getting a makeover! We are in the slow process of setting up our new website while keeping the current one up and running as best we can.

Please pardon our dust and stay tuned!

PO Box 2006 •  Chandler, AZ 85224  •  azrainrescue [ at ]