Have you lost a pet?

Start Now!

The sooner you start looking, the better your chances of finding your lost pet. Consider these tips to increase the chances of finding your pet:

In Your Neighborhood

  • Thoroughly search your home.
  • Search your neighborhood and post flyers within a several-mile radius of your home with a description of your pet and your contact information.
  • Go door-to-door and talk to your postal carrier, paper carriers, school crossing guards, and children. Give them a flyer.
  • Try to attract your pet by scent by leaving a pair of your dirty socks or shirt or your pet’s bedding and toys on your back patio to help guide him or her home.

Outside Your Neighborhood

  • Visit the local animal control and ask to see the lost pets. Bring a photo of your pet as well as their veterinary records. Leave a flyer about your lost pet at the animal shelter.
  • Check the county facilities every 24-72 hours or call them at (602) 506-PETS. You can also visit their website and use their interactive mapping tool to see if they may have picked up your pet recently and have it at one of their facilities.
  • Call the local veterinary offices/emergency clinics. Visit them in person if they have a description that sounds anything like your pet.

You can also try….

There are other resources that specialize in helping lost pets go home to their families. They include:

PO Box 2006 •  Chandler, AZ 85224  •  azrainrescue [ at ] gmail.com